Social madia as a marketing tool
August 17th, 2015
- Each group must conduct a research for new information technology. Introduce new information technology and its trends
- Any sources are acceptable. But, you have to provide citation in the paper
- Proposal (5 points) – Due: Sept. 30
- Explain briefly what it is.
- At least TWO topics
- 1 page max
- Research paper (15 points) – Due: Dec. 11
- Use subtitles
- Font size 11 or 12
- Recommend font: Times New Roman or Calibri
- Length: 2 1/3 – 3 pages (including everything)
- Suggested Format
ï‚· Title
ï‚· Abstract (3-5 lines)
ï‚· Introduction (5-10 lines)
ï‚· (Main part / Use subtitles if necessary)
ï‚· Summary (5-10 lines)
ï‚· References
- Grading Guideline
- Contents (7 points): Related with IT or IS? Clear message? Does it have any insight for IS area?
- Format (3 points): looks professional?
- References (2 points)
- Writing style (3 points): logical flow? Professional writing style?
- Presentation (15 points)
- Grading Guideline
 Contents – 6 points
- Do they address the topic clearly?
- If contents are too general or too vague, low points
 Presentation Style – 4 points
- Do they deliver the message clearly? If presenters just read slides, it will be zero point.
- Do they check audiences’ response? Try to make them interested in your presentation.
- Do they present professionally? If presenter looks at only slides, it will be zero point.
 Participation – 1 points
- Do all members work together?
 PowerPoint slide – 4 points
- Too many things in one slide?
- Too many or few slides within 15 minutes?
- Difficult to read because of small font?
- Time: 15 minutes (Presentation 11-12 minutes / Q&A 3-4 minutes)
- Remember that slides are just supplemental tool for you to present effectively and deliver the message clearly.
- Extra points: Whenever you ask REASONABLE questions, you will get extra one point per question. (maximum 10 points / two points max for a group) The extra points go to a person who asked questions.