Relationship between human behavior, ethics, and critical thinking
From the criminal justice administrator’s perspective, what is the relationship between human behavior, ethics, and critical thinking?
As administrators, how do we improve the relationship between human behavior and professional behavior for police, courts, and corrections?
Explain your responses with appropriate research (including from electronic readings).
Please use at less one of the reference provided below.
Electronic Reserve Readings
CJA484 Criminal Justice Administration Capstone
Overview of Administration of Justice
Evidence-based public policy options to reduce future prison construction, criminal justice costs, and crime rates (Oct. 2006). (2007, April). Federal Sentencing Reporter, 19(4), 275.
Lilley, D., & Hinduja, S. (2006). Officer evaluation in the community policing context. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 29(1), 19-37.
Madoc-Jones, I. (2009, Spring). Be careful what you wish for? Exploring the personal, social, economic impact of new prison bulbs. British Journal of Community Justice, 7(1), 61.
Parks, G. A. (2007, December). New approaches to using relapse prevention therapy in the criminal justice system. Corrections Today, 69(6), 46.
Scott, J., & Marshall, G. (2009). Justice, social. A Dictionary of Sociology .
Stephens, G. (2008, July/August). Cybercrime in the year 2025. The Futurist, 42(4), 32.
Sumter, M. (2008, August). The correctional work force faces challenges in the 21st Century. Corrections Today, 70(4), 100.
Webb, J. (2009, October). Now is the time to reform our criminal justice system. Criminal Justice Ethics, 28(2), 163-167.