Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences
A) The idea of Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences suggests that there are specific intelligences that are inherent in all individuals. The author, however, suggests that a preferred style may not necessarily be the best way an individual learns. With that in mind, what relevance do you see using the intelligences in your classroom in light of the fact that an individual’s preferred intelligence may not be the best way for them to take in and master new information? Outside of the classroom, what purpose do the intelligences serve in the way you interact with people at work or with friends?
B)In the discussion post last week, Sir Ken Robinson suggested that schools are killing creativity. Seth Godin also challenges us in his TedTalk, Stop Stealing Dreams: Seth Godin at TEDxYouth@BFS, to think about what is the purpose of school. He suggests eight things that will change education and shift our education system, including “there is zero value worth memorizing anything ever again. Anything worth memorizing is worth looking up.†He also shares that “we should measure experience instead of test scores†and “grades are an illusion.†What connections do you see to the ideas that Sir Ken suggested about schools killing creativity? AreCommon Core State Standards a help or a hindrance in fostering creativity? How would following Seth Godin’s advice support or inhibit the idea that our students need to be better prepared to compete against others in the global economy? How would this advice inhibit or improve the ability for students to learn twenty-first century skills? Explain your thinking.
I can post the cahpter if you want it or not.
C)In Chapter 7, Lopez emphasizes the importance that standards have on a school’s accountability to its students and their parents. He also acknowledges that many disagree with the need for standards and/or they have different expectations for standards. Consider what the author shares regarding the importance of aligning standards as well as the common mistakes made when aligning. If you do not have direct classroom experience, you may respond to these questions based on your own understanding of what occurs in your own children’s school, or a professional or volunteer position you have held outside of a school setting.
Using first-person language, address the following points in your journal;
- How has your own viewpoint regarding educational standards changed or been validated by what you read? What will you differently and/or add to your current/anticipated professional role to reflect this?
- What can be done to change the mindset of the naysayers the author addresses in his disclaimer on p. 82?
- Can you name the standard or sub-standard that is your grade level or department’s greatest area of need? If so, how do you know?
- What encourages you to make changes?