Managerial Decision Making
Determine your decision making method…. do you use a Pareto, Weighted Pros and Cons, the Six Hat Thinking Method, a Decision Tree, Consensus by group, or another process. It is important to note that brainstorming is not a decision making method. It is a method to find alternatives after doing research. Problem solving is also not a decision making method. Problem solving solves problems after a decision and direction are known. This is a common mis-perception and misunderstanding!
Take the Risk Attitudes Profiler for free at and then discuss these questions:
When making a decision, how do you see yourself as a risk taker?
Are you risk-averse or do you tolerate risk?
To what do you attribute your views on risk taking?
Do your research in the online library. Do not just use personal information or information you read from the required readings. Required readings are like the dictionary, we use them to gain a base, but we do not use them to make points.Â