Assessment task 2 (Common assessment task) (Individual Task) Word limit 3000 EDFD547, 2000 EDFD447
Appendix 2
Assessment task 2 (Common assessment task) (Individual Task) Word limit 3000 EDFD547, 2000 EDFD447
Develop a profile for a case study student with a special learning need. (Ideally based on a real student at your placement)
Create a report which provides information about each of the following:
EDFD447 include sections A-D
EDFD547 include sections A-E
A. What are the most common issues regarding this case study student? Give a context for this student’s learning needs. You may like to use an Inclusion Planning Matrix to do this (see link on LEO)
Identify the student’s relevant characteristics
Identify the impact of the characteristics in the classroom/school. These may reflect information from the school staff/ support staff, other students, community members and/or the student.
All areas well supported by research
B. How can I now put into practice what I have learned?
This 2004 UNESCO report explores curriculum differentiation for students with special needs.
Sites have information on using Multiple Intelligences and Bloom’s taxonomy for planning.
Site has research paper on integrating MI and Bloom. General Description
Using a Universal Design for Learning approach
on an Eight Ways At Once MI/Bloom blank sheet ( A4 page) write a set of ten activities in a curriculum area/topic and include the theme of difference and diversity.
Specific details
− Identify the key syllabus outcomes for the whole class.
− Write 10 different learning activities (for whole class) that teach the key concepts and engage different intellectual domains and different levels of thinking (MI/Bloom) ensuring each level of thinking on the Bloom Taxonomy is addressed.
− Make sure you write the activities in a way that others would understand what to do if given the task.
− Use a different topic to the websites.
• Discuss two benefits of a differentiated unit of work for your case study student. Support this with research (approx. half A4 page).
C. How will I differentiate a lesson for my whole class with adaptations and assessments for my case study student?
Drawing from what you have learned from your readings, lectures and tutorials:
– Includes clear understanding and reference to related legislation/policy documents relevant to the case study student
− Format an A4 page as shown opposite.
− Choose an activity from your MI/Bloom plan & develop a lesson for your class with a planned SMART outcome for your case study student.
− Show how you would adapt the task, teaching, resources and environment to facilitate and assess your case study student’s inclusion.
− (approx. half A4).
Outcome: Write one outcome for the lesson that includes reference to what you wish the case study student to achieve in terms of, for example, Curriculum content; Literacy; Social skill and/or Behaviour skill. Briefly outline the lesson steps for the whole class.
Individual Learning Plan
Specific Indicator Adaptations/ Strategies Assessment
Using the SMART approach, write specific behavioural objectives that clearly outline what you will expect your case study student to achieve Adaptations and strategies that include the case study student effectively. Include the use of support personnel and peer support as appropriate How will your case study student’s progress be assessed? Be specific and link assessment directly to the SMART outcome and indicators.
D. Classroom Observations and Reflection
Critically reflect on ways you are continuing to learn about teaching students with additional needs. Write a 500 word critical analysis reflecting on the lessons observed on your placements. How did your mentor teachers cater for the different needs of students in your classes? Your reflections should include clear knowledge of differentiation to cater for the needs of the diversity of students in the classroom and clear links to the literature based around the curriculum areas for your observations (refer to the Unit Schedule).
For EDFD547 only
E. Reflection on strategies in practice
Critically reflect on ways you can successfully implement different co-operative learning strategies to include students with differing needs.
Research two different cooperative leaning strategies.
• Critically reflect on how these strategies could support the needs of students with two different special learning needs, including the implementation issues and adaptations needed for each specific cooperative leaning strategy. Support with research.
Assessment Task 2 (Common assessment task): Rubric for Case Study
Student’s Name: OVERALL GRADE: __________
Fail Pass Credit Distinctions
Context of case study student Very limited identification of characteristics, impact & learning needs of student; poor linking of information with little research. Clear identification of some possible characteristics, impact & learning needs of student; sound information supported quite well by some credible research. Extended identification of characteristics, impact & learning needs of student; some good analysis supported very well by credible research. An excellent complete picture of student’s characteristics, impact and learning needs with analysis demonstrating complexity of concerns; all supported extensively by very wide range of current, relevant & credible research.
Unit of work Unit of work has limited links to syllabus outcomes and theme, with cursory understanding of Universal Design for Learning, MI and Bloom & very limited analysis of the benefits of differentiation for case study student with little research support. A sound unit of work, linking to syllabus outcomes and theme well; shows a broad application of Universal Design for Learning, MI and Bloom with beginning analysis of the benefits of differentiation for case study student with basic research support. A complete unit of work linking syllabus outcomes and theme very well and shows a very good application of Universal Design for Learning, MI and Bloom with deep analysis of the benefits of differentiation for case study student with extensive research support. An excellent, creative and original unit with great links between syllabus outcomes and theme & shows an outstanding application of Universal Design for Learning, MI and Bloom; an extensive analysis of the benefits of differentiation for case study student with a very wide range of relevant research evidence to support ideas.
Lesson/ILP Outcome/indicators not in SMART format. Plan does not flow well. Adaptations reflect limited analysis of the student’s needs or understanding of the classroom possibilities. Limited assessment strategies with few links to outcome. Outcome/indicators mainly in SMART format and relates well to student. Ideas in plan presented logically and concisely. Adaptations reflect beginning analysis of the student’s needs balanced by a sound understanding of the classroom possibilities. Sound assessment strategies linking directly to outcome. Outcome/indicators in SMART format and relates very well to student. Very engaging ideas in plan presented logically and concisely. Adaptations reflect deep analysis of the student’s needs balanced by a very good understanding of the classroom possibilities. Very appropriate assessment strategies & links to outcome. Outcome/indicators in SMART format & relates superbly to student. Outstanding and engaging ideas in plan presented logically and concisely. Adaptations reflect a very deep analysis of the student’s needs balanced by an excellent understanding of the classroom possibilities. Very creative assessment strategies & links to outcome.
Policy Limited/no understanding and poorly considered/no connections to related legislation/policy documents relevant to your case study student Satisfactory understanding and some connections to related legislation/policy documents relevant to your case study student Good understanding and clear connections to related legislation/policy documents relevant to your case study student Comprehensive understanding and excellent/insightful connections to related legislation/policy documents relevant to your case study student
Classroom Observations and Reflections Limited, poor or no use of observations and materials to reflect upon. Demonstrates limited analysis of inclusion issues and practices with limited support of the research. Explicit level of reflection of the chosen areas, generally describing the scene. Some thoughtful reflection on what these mean for classroom and personal teaching practice supported by some current research and resources. Explicit, accurate, thoughtful level of reflection, analysing the selected areas for observation and what these mean for classroom and personal teaching practices supported by an extensive range of current research and resources. Explicit, accurate, high level insightful ability to reflect and critically analyse the selected areas for observation and what these mean for classroom and personal teaching practice supported by an extensive and critically relevant range of current research and resources.
Reflection on strategies in practice (EDFD547 only) Very limited understanding of implementation possibilities for students with differing needs. Good description of a range of possible issues and some very sound adaptations considered. Some good research support. Very good consideration of a range of possible issues and some very well thought through adaptations. Relevant research support.
Excellent analysis of a range of possible issues and outstanding creative and workable adaptations. Extensive research support.
General Writing is not focused, organised and concise, poor adherence to word limit with poor English expression and incorrect referencing Writing is well focused organised and concise, general adherence to word limits with sound English expression and mostly correct referencing. Writing is very well focused, organised and concise adherence to word limits with academic English expression and correct referencing. Excellently focused, organised and concise writing in word limits with excellent academic English expression and correct referencing throughout.
OTHER REQUIREMENTS Very good – Needs improvement COMMENTS
Appropriate use of APA referencing style throughout text and reference list.
1 2 3 4 5
Demonstrates accurate use of grammar, punctuation and spelling. 1 2 3 4 5
Well structured, coherent and logical writing. 1 2 3 4 5
General Comments: