resources and Chicago style footnote
5+ typewriting plus 2+page u had wrote before just you need to change with this architect Architects….
This professor pissed me off please do Ur best for me this assignment
Compare this two building rather than you done it before just change and put Resource about this people also
topic choose topic..!!
7 resources and Chicago style footnote1st page write about Background 2nd page Historiography and 3pg analysis section and have point illustrate that point unis specif examples and explain how this point relates your Claim/or topic
and look JOG and DOC DOWN for you to help understand better
Talk about the style in each common this in this styles also
The main people for Deconstructionist and post modern style Jacques Derrida and Peter Eisenstein[1] and Bernard Tsunami’s winning entry), the Museum of Modern Art’s 1988 Deconstructionist Architecture exhibition in New York, organized by Philip Johnson and Mark Wiley, and the 1989 opening of the Werner Center for the Arts in Columbus, designed by Peter Eisenstein. The New York exhibition featured works by Frank Gery, Daniel Kindliness, Rem Foolhardy, Peter Eisenstein, Z aha Hamid, Coop Himmler(l)Au, and Bernard Schmidt. Since the exhibition, some architects associated with Deconstructionism have distanced themselves from it. Nonetheless, the term has stuck and has come to embrace a general trend within contemporary architecture.
Ludwig Miles van fer Roche MODERN BUILDING
Building, NY, 1958
Philip Johnson POST MODERN BUILDING also 1988 Deconstructionist Book by Philip Johnson and
Mark Wiley
Philip Johnson, AT&T building (now Sony building)
New York City (1978-84)