Thematic unit: Planning cluster & Annotated bibliography
identify resources for a thematic unit to develop literacy skills and strategies in the context of authentic reading and writing activities. Components will include (a) a unit map identifying content area concepts and vocabulary to be learned, ELA Common Core Learning Standards to be addressed, and sample literacy-based activities to be implemented; (b) an annotated bibliography describing books or other textual resources to be used in the unit and explaining how each will be used; (c) an indepth explanation of how the unit will be differentiated to meet the needs of diverse learners; (d) a KWL chart that identifies the students (possible) background knowledge (K), what the students will want to know (W), and websites where their questions can be answered independently; (e) a clear and indebt explanation of formative and summative assessments to be utilized during the implementation of the unit (what will be used and how it will be used to assess student learning?); (f) a reflection of your understanding curriculum, planning, implementation and assessment.
Hipsky, S. (2011). Differentiated literacy and language arts strategies for the elementary classroom. Boston: Pearson.
Oczkus, L. D. (2012). Best ever literacy survival tips: 72 lessons you can’t teach without. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
KEEPS Mission
• Knowledge Claim 2 Students use knowledge of self, theory, practice, and/or child development within socio-cultural/linguistic contexts to create appropriate learning environments and to teach in urban settings.
• Knowledge Claim 4 Students demonstrate the ability to construct relevant and meaningful curriculum using varied resources and based on New York State Common Core Learning Standards.
• Knowledge Claim 5 Students demonstrate the ability to teach the knowledge-base relevant to their teaching discipline as described in the Common Core State Standards.
• Knowledge Claim 6 Students understand and apply multiple literacies to teach in urban settings.
• Enquiry Claim 3 Students create learning contexts that engage their students in inquiry.
• Enquiry Claim 4 Students show commitment to the ongoing improvement of their teaching.
• Pluralism Claim 3 Students implement a range of instructional approaches and strategies that are needed to educate diverse learners in a variety of contexts.
• Social Commitment Claim 2 Students understand their role and responsibility in improving classrooms and schools
• Social Commitment Claim 3 Students demonstrate academic integrity, professional responsibility and ethical behavior in their scholarship and practice.
• unit: Family, • Grade leve,l first grade • Reading literacy
Unit theme is strongly linked to Scope and Sequence for grade level and includes cultural considerations for ELLs.
Common Core Standards:
CCSS (at least 6) are well chosen, addressing different facets of literacy including reading, writing, listening and speaking that are appropriate for the grade level. Each standard is clearly linked to a pedagogically appropriate learning activity.
Internet Research:
Questions are thoughtful, engaging, and likely to encourage higher-order thinking among children at the target grade level. Web pages (at least 3) are relevant and grade-appropriate.
Plan for differentiation thoughtfully accommodates diverse learners, with specific explanations of how resources and activities will be used or adapted and what supports or scaffolds will be provided. There is a clear link to the class profile.