To what extent are the principles of bureaucracy and Scientific Management still present in contemporary organisations?
Answer ONE of the following four assignment questions:
Question 1:
To what extent are the principles of bureaucracy and Scientific Management still present in contemporary organisations?
Question 2:
To what extent is there a ‘one best way’ of managing contemporary organisations in the light of how management thought has evolved over time?
Question 3:
Imagine that you are the CEO of a large computer manufacturer such as Apple or Lenovo. You are convinced that there is considerable untapped potential in the Silver Surfer market. How will you organise your company to capitalise on this opportunity? You are expected to engage with the diversity literature in answering this question.
Question 4:
Choose two or three good leaders you admire, and one you think is or was a bad leader (DO NOT INCLUDE HITLER). You can choose from any culture or time period. Carry out a repertory grid exercise to identify the characteristics of a good leader and discuss the implications of your findings for leading organisations.
1. Knowledge and understanding of regarding the literature that is relevant to your particular assignment question as well as being able to use relevant practical examples. Assessors will be looking for evidence that you have understood management theories correctly and are able to link them to practice.
2. Analysis and approach taken towards critically rather than descriptively discussing the assignment question (i.e. being able to develop an argument out of competing claims). The emphasis here is on depth of analysis, demonstrating your ability not just demonstrate knowledge but being able to apply your knowledge in a coherent way to the assignment question.
3. Organisation and structure of the essay –, This means your essay will develop an overall argument from the start that is organised and structured logically and coherently, i.e. you develop a consistent argument that fully addresses the assignment question (that includes a proper introduction, conclusion and sub-headings).
4. Use of sources – you will be expected to research widely and independently, accumulating a substantial body of academic material that you can draw on in your assignment. This means you are expected to reference your ideas and arguments throughout the essay. Crucially, assessors will be looking for evidence of a wide range of good quality sources (such as academic journal articles) and how you use these sources to develop your discussion.
5. Style and presentation – you will provide a FULL reference section providing bibliographic details of every reference cited in your assignment. Your essay must adhere to either OXFORD or HARVARD system of referencing and must do so consistently and accurately.