White Weddings – Lifting the veil
The source should be from this book: Ingraham, Chrys. White Weddings. 2nd edition. Routledge. 2008. (Chapter 1 – Lifting the Veil) This exercise is about: 5x8card on White Weddings (Ch. 1 Lifting the Veil) This is an exercise designed to help focus on the readings. The writing should be on a standard 5’ x 8’ note-card (you may use both sides): (a) your name; (b) the title of the article, excerpt, or chapter you are reading, the name of the author who wrote it (all spelled accurately and correctly punctuated) and the date of publication; (c) 3-4 sentences explaining what you see as the main argument of the article/excerpt, (d) a quote from the article/excerpt supporting your position (put page number in the end of the quote) (e) 2-3 sentences stating how the quote illustrates the analysis of the article/excerpt that you have presented above in (c), (f) 3-4 sentences giving your response as either “I agree with this argument because . . .,” “I disagree with this argument because . . .” or “I think this article applies to X because . . . .” (you must make clear by example why you agree or disagree). (Please do it is ASA format/style): You can find the ASA reference format here: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/583/03/ PLEASE USE FORMAL WORDS AND DO IT WITH GOOD GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY.