law and ethics
Discuss a healthcare legal issue. The topic must receive faculty approval prior to initiation. Place the appoved topic and your completed PPT in the healthcare legal issue forum. The PPT can be no more than 10 slides excluding the title and reference page. Slides must be voice narrated with use of smart art and pictures. Use screen ( or screen casting (screen to narrate your PPT. These are web based screen recorders which allows you to narrate PPTs. A link will be assigned to you from the website. Place the name of your PPT and the link in a word document for submission through e-course-ware drop box. 5 references less than 10 years old excluding course books are required. Submission must be received through Dropbox and must include: 1. Introduction 2. Background of the healthcare legal issue (issue development) 3. Relevance to healthcare law and ethics 4. Resolution strategies 5. Implications for healthcare leaders 6. Conclusion 7. References