The Trouble with boys paper 1100-1400 words, APA format 4 citations
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The statement below is what the paper is based on. I also attached the grading rubric.
The Trouble with Boys
“Educators are searching for new ways to help tackle what is being called the ‘problem of boys.’ Boys are biologically, psychologically, and developmentally different from girls. They have better hand-eye coordination, enabling them to excel in sports and video games, but they lag behind girls in academics, whether it’s learning to hold a pencil in preschool or enrolling in college. This shouldn’t surprise us, since the academic achievement of girls has been given most of the support and attention since the 1970’s.
Now that it’s clear that boys are falling further and further behind, it’s time to begin offering boys special advantages. We need to experiment with alternative approaches such as smaller classes, all-boy schools, financial bonuses for male teachers, and incentives to encourage boys to complete high school and go on to college.
If we don’t take these steps, we risk a world where women have all the advanced degrees, the best-paying jobs, and the leadership roles.”
The statement above is what the paper is based on.
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