Discussion 14 Giles
Write my research paper
In this article James Giles attempts to advance the position Hume by relating to subjective phenomena regarding an individual’s psychological and emotional states. The footnotes in this assigned reading are particularly useful. Prompt: Explain Giles position in this article and how he makes the case for a theory of personal identity that can epistemologically (how we might have knowledge of) account how our subjective experiences, if we are not ourselves constituted as a ‘bundle of ever-changing elements’. Second, give an account of whether we should accept the account of Locke and Schechtman, or that of Hume and Giles. Provide a reasoned opinion to your decision.Required Reading: Reading 14: James Giles, “The Non-Self Theory: Hume, Buddhism, and Personal Identity” (PDF); David Hume – Of Personal Identity (Weblink)Recommended: SEP, “Religious Experience” – Section 4, “The Diverse Objects of Religious Experience”Remember: A response consists of more than one word or simply agreeing. Please cite all passages in the text (including page number) and cite all outside information according to MLA guidelines. Your answer should have AT LEAST 3 responses (possibly more), aside from your original post. You will always be required to create a post responding to the discussion prompt (300-600 words), before viewing any responses of other students. Please review your work carefully before you submit since you will not be allowed to edit it afterwards (i.e., type and edit your responses in a WordDoc before posting.) Additionally, each discussion board requires you to respond to at least three other students (50-100 words per response).Purchase the answer to view it